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joy-stinson-photoJoy Stinson was born and raised in Mt. Hermon, Louisiana and still resides there today with her husband. She is a RN of eighteen years, but is currently enjoying being a stay at home mom to her three daughters. She enjoys the simpleness of country life and loves to spend time outdoors.

“I felt led by God to write  Out of the Darkness while I was still drowning in my personal nightmare of fear and doubt.  I struggled continuously to maintain my sanity amidst the chaos that was churning viciously within the former protective walls of my home.  Despite the harsh criticism I received from well-meaning family, neighbors and the religious community, I persevered in keeping record of the events as they occurred in order to document my descent into a realm in which many are afraid to admit exists. I barely survived because I repeatedly made poor choices in a futile attempt to “fix” the problem myself. After realizing that God was the only one who could battle evil, I emerged from the darkness and peace was restored within my family.”

“It is my hope that by revealing my struggle with literal spiritual warfare, that evil will be exposed as a biblical reality that can be conquered with simple faith in God.  Also, it is my desire for people who are experiencing similar circumstances to realize they are not alone and perhaps will find the courage to lay embarrassment aside and speak out in order to find redemption and avoid tragedy.”

Out of the Darkness is available from Mindstir Media at fine retailers and booksellers worldwide. Wholesale orders can be placed through Mindstir Media directly or through Mindstir Media‘s distributor Ingram.